Soybean meeting Feb. 21

The Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee (MSPC), in cooperation with MSU Extension, will be holding two informational meetings in west Michigan to discuss the results of on-farm research projects conducted in 2011.
The first meeting will be Feb. 21 at the Dowagiac Conservation Club located at 54551 M-51 North  (approximately one mile north of Dowagiac) and the second meeting will be at the Trestle Stop (Restaurant ) at 3360 M-40 in Hamilton.
Participants can learn about research resulting from grower-generated ideas that were conducted on their own farms.
Last year growers researched more than ten topic areas such as tillage, population studies, white mold suppression, nitrogen applications and other fertility studies, and this information will be shared with growers at these meetings.
In addition, participants will have an opportunity to provide their ideas for 2012 research and learn how they can be a part of this program.
Keith Reinholt, director of field operations for MSPC said, “We want to make sure that the soybean check-off funds are going to projects and research that will benefit the grower. With the Soybean Management and Research Technology (SMaRT) Program we’ve developed an avenue for grower to provide research suggestions, and (if they wish) conduct field trials on their farm following established research protocol. During the winter meeting season, MSPC shares the results with growers at meetings like these.”
He said, “A SMaRT publication was recently mailed to all Michigan soybean growers. At a meeting such as this, we plan to elaborate on the research details contained in this publication.”
SMaRT has been working with growers for several years promoting improved management and profitability for soybean growers in Michigan.
There is no cost for participants and a lunch will be provided, compliments of your soybean checkoff.
For both meetings, registration starts at 8:30 a.m. and the program starts at 9 a.m. Registration is encouraged and can be made by calling the MSU Extension offices at (269) 445-4438 for the Dowagiac meeting and (269) 673-0370 for the Hamilton meeting. Agenda topics will vary slightly between meetings.
Three pesticide recertification credits have been requested from MDARD.
