$3.8 million awarded to DELEG for on-the-job training

Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm has announced that the U.S. Department of Labor has awarded the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth (DELEG) a $3.8 million competitive grant to provide on-the-job training for Michigan workers.

The grant, funded through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 (Recovery Act), will allow the state of Michigan to put approximately 850 people into custom training programs that allow participants to earn wages while learning new skills.

“These Recovery Act dollars will give Michigan citizens an opportunity to gain career-building skills while supporting their families,” Granholm said.  “When our workers are well trained and gainfully employed, businesses win, workers win and Michigan wins.”

The funding in support of on-the-job training creates jobs for workers experiencing prolonged unemployment, and enables employers to create training and job opportunities for these individuals.

Participants have the opportunity to “earn and learn” — learning job skills, gaining workplace experience and making career contacts all while earning a paycheck. Michigan Works! agencies will use the Recovery Act funds to reimburse employers for up to 50 percent of the wages for participants during their training.

Michigan will develop and implement on-the-job training programs through strategic partnerships with a network of state organizations including 25 local Michigan Works! Agencies, the AFL‐CIO‐Human Resource Development Inc., the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Michigan Skills Alliances and a host of community-based organizations.

More than 193 employers and institutions supported the grant and several have indicated their interest in participating.
