More local Red Cross volunteers head to hurricane disaster area

In the wake of Hurricane Irene, thousands of people have turned to the American Red Cross for help. The Red Cross continues to focus on providing shelter and food to those affected by the hurricane.
Locally, more than 20 volunteers have been deployed throughout the East Coast. Three additional volunteers will be leaving for North Carolina today. Dawn Phelps will assist with sheltering and David and Carolyn Griffey will assist with providing food to those affected by the hurricane.
The local Emergency Response Vehicle (ERV) was activated late Monday afternoon and will depart from the St. Joseph County Chapter Office today and head to New York to assist with the relief efforts. The ERV will be driven by local volunteers Randy Turley and Donna Hall.
American Red Cross Disaster Services are provided free of charge and the Red Cross relies on donations to provide its assistance. To make a donation to Red Cross Disaster Relief, visit, call (800) RED CROSS or text “REDCROSS” to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
For the latest information, visit or find us on Facebook at American Red Cross-South Bend.
