Caregiver class set
ST. JOSEPH — Hospice at Home, in partnership with and funded by Area Agency on Aging, is providing a program to help caregivers learn how to obtain needed community resources, manage caregiver stress, organize important documents, monitor safety and risk, develop an increased sense of personal effectiveness as a caregiver and decrease the sense of caregiver burden.
Classes consist of three two-hour sessions once a week. Two experienced class leaders conduct the series. There is no charge to attend, though donations for materials are accepted.
Classes will be held at The Whitcomb, 509 Ship St., St. Joseph, from 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays for three weeks beginning Jan. 17.
Respite care and transportation are available. For more information or to register, call 1-800-HOSPICE. Class size is limited. Registration is required.