Reagan picnic returns to Niles

Berrien County Republican Party’s roving Reagan Day picnic returns to Niles Saturday.

As they did four years ago, Jack and Jo Ann Flock host the picnic at their home at 1901 Pucker St. Drive. at 2 p.m.

Candidates for federal and state offices have been invited. Attendees will have a great opportunity to personally meet and greet county and local candidates as well.

Invited candidates include Michigan Supreme Court, U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, University of Michigan Board of Regents and Michigan Republican National Committeeman.

Jo Ann Flock said there will be activities for kids, including canoe rides, face painting, fishing and chess for all ages with Martin Klubeck, a long-time chess teacher to children at Niles District Library.

Tickets cost $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 12 and under; there is no charge for families for children’s tickets beyond the first three children.

Tickets and more information are available through the Berrien County GOP: (269) 983-6303 or
