‘We got ours!’

Hurrah for Lin Pollard (Feb. 20 letter to the editor) when she refers to the money received by Cass Family Clinic, the Ranger Health Clinic and the Niles Community Health Center, she’s really saying “we got ours!”

The heck with the other 300 million plus affected by the Affordable Care Act, they can do what they want. we got ours!  We don’t care about the millions who have lost their insurance; heck, we got ours!

Locally, a small municipality had their insurance increase by $1,000 per month. But, that’s them, we got ours.

The woman with cancer who has her coverage go up, but can’t afford it (like millions of others); sorry, lady!  we got ours!

Polls show that 54 percent of the country does not want Obamacare, but that’s too bad. Obama wants it and he’s president. He already said he can do what he wants. He has a pen and a phone, too bad we don’t, but then again his pen and phone out rank 300 million plus. He already said, “I’m president, I can do what I want.”

Thank you, Lin Pollard, you have just proven the old saying “small town — small mind!”

Just a fellow American.


Peter Rubalcaba

