Leader Columnists

Don’t have to go far to explore

Throughout the centuries, world explorers were larger-than-life individuals who carved out unique legacies that became part of our ...

Leader Columnists

Our View: Excitement growing for the most-welcomed spring ever

Could it be true? Has spring finally sprung here in southwest Michigan and maybe even across the whole ...

Leader Columnists

We need sunshine — in more ways than one

In the midst of this — I’ll use the word “interesting” — winter, no one would be shocked ...

Leader Columnists

Don’t miss the ‘flowers’ of life

The old saying is that we should always “stop to smell the roses.” But, in today’s fast-paced, 24-hour-news-cycle ...

Leader Columnists

All stories have compelling layers beneath the surface

Deep in her heart, Jackie Evans always knew her son, Colten, was going to end up answering the ...

Leader Columnists

Horizons edition always a ‘labor’ of love

Creating a massive newspaper section like our upcoming Horizons edition is a little like a slightly less messy ...

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