Leader Columnists

Why free Internet matters

“Newspapers are dead, and the Internet killed them.” For years now, this has been the refrain spouted by ...

Leader Columnists

Relay for Life making difference one dollar, one person at a time

There are always lots of things going on across southwest Michigan. Communities from the Lake Michigan shore to ...

Leader Columnists

Heroes and heritage in our backyards

Who is your hero? I’ve been asked this question more times than I can count, and I’ve always ...

Leader Columnists

Don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone

As I’m sure most of the community’s culinary mavens already know and lamented, downtown’s Foodies Fresh Café and ...

Leader Columnists

Integrity is everything

A couple of days ago a fellow alum who worked at my college paper about 20 years before me ...

Leader Columnists

Perspective on winter continues to melt away

I am not sure that growing up in eastern Kentucky exactly constitutes being from the south — those who ...

Leader Columnists

Positive changes become rewards unto themselves

Although it shocks me to even type it, I have now been here at Leader Publications for almost ...

Leader Columnists

Plenty to learn in issue two of Michiana Life

About three weeks ago when I went into an interview for the cover story of Michiana Life, I ...

Leader Columnists

‘Cheerleaders’ offer crucial support for their communities

It usually didn’t take newcomers long to figure out that Juan Ganum was the leading cheerleader for the ...

Leader Columnists

Shining Star turns table

During the last week or two, I’ve gotten to speak with some pretty outstanding kids. Again this year, ...

Leader Columnists

Finding the right Niles superintendent

Relationships matter. A lot.

Leader Columnists

Another year of ice fest fun

In the words of the popular Disney character, “Some things are worth melting for.” Despite warmer temperatures than ...

Leader Columnists

Best gifts cannot be found in a store

My wife and I recently asked our oldest daughter how she wanted to celebrate her looming seventh birthday, ...

Leader Columnists

Still time to recognize ‘Unsung Heroes’

At weddings the minister often urges guests to “speak now or forever hold your peace.” This is Michiana ...

Leader Columnists

The point we’re missing with the Charlie Hebdo tragedy

Last week, journalists all over the world were united by a tragedy when 12 of their own were ...

Leader Columnists

Here’s to a happier 2015

A week into 2015, I have finally come up with a resolution for the new year. I spent a ...

Leader Columnists

Freedoms pave way to informed public

Historically, the best manuscripts or writings — those we consider classics like The Bible or the works of ...


Three reasons why I can’t (completely) hate winter

With the holidays over and grass still showing, part of me wishes I were more upset. I remember ...

Leader Columnists

‘Quality or quantity’ can be heartwrenching decision

The skinny, onyx-black cat showed up on my parents’ front porch out of nowhere, basically just appearing one ...

Leader Columnists

New year brings new changes

As with any type of business, Leader Publications continuously looks for ways to better serve its customers.  We ...

Leader Columnists

True ‘reason for season’ is found in the Bible

Our national media keeps telling us that we are facing a “War on Christmas” by those wanting to ...

Leader Columnists

Remembering 2014

It has often been said that journalists write the rough drafts of history books. Living in the small ...

Leader Columnists

Bell ringing about what was seen not heard

Even on the way out the door most shopping carts aren’t piled as high as the one being ...

Leader Columnists

Smallest of moments can have biggest impact

Although I am sure I am far from the first person to come to this conclusion, I was ...

Leader Columnists

Why dating in 2014 is so difficult

Dating in 2014 is hard. I know what you’re thinking. Dating has always been hard, and always will ...

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