Shall we accept only good from God

Published 11:03 am Friday, May 12, 2006

By Staff
Job had lost his children, his possessions, and was now covered with boils from head to foot. This discourse between Mr. and Mrs. Job brings up some good points.
Job's wife must have believed that there was such linkage between our attitude about God and our life circumstances, and that Job was in such bad shape with God that one more statement could end it all. Unfortunately, this view is held by too many people and spirals them into hopeless despair.
On the other hand, Job had been marvelously blessed. He had ten children and was very rich in livestock, servants, and worldly goods (Job 1:2-3). Job also had personal favor with God to the degree that God called the attention of Satan to Job's steadfastness.
God gives tests to see what is in out hearts. We will not delve into the theological issues with this, but we know that God tested Abraham according to Genesis, chapter 22, verse 1. God commanded Abraham to offer his son Isaac up as a burnt offering (Genesis 22:2). Abraham followed through. As he was about to kill Isaac with a knife, God stopped him and said, “Now I know that you fear God” (Genesis 22:12).
God tested His people the Israelites as stated in Deuteronomy, chapter 8, verse 2, “You shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.”
When God brought Job up to Satan, Satan's counter challenge was that God could not know Job's heart apart from testing. God turned Job over to Satan with limits, but the circumstances seemed severe enough to give a test. Job lost everything except his life, his wife, and three friends who came to comfort him (Job 2:11).
Job had the right perspective in verse 10 of Job, chapter 2. Job attributed the good to be from God and acknowledged that he accepted it.
There was a huge difference between the perspective of blessing between Job and his wife. Job believed the state of blessing to be repairable.
Job knew he had accepted the good from God. He was as ready to accept the adversity in stride, but did not attribute the adversity to God. We are not sure if Job knew of the dealing between God and Satan.
Job was consistent and held fast to his integrity. The bottom line was, he knew God was in control. Verse 10 of Job, chapter 2, declares, “In all this Job did not sin with his lips.” Job did seek God for answers, and was eventually taken to a deeper level with God.
Job modeled some key attitudes. He accepted the good with grace and did not allow the great blessing to alter his opinion of himself. He accepted adversity with grace. In Job, chapter 1, verse 22, we are told, “In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong.” This is one sliver from the life attitudes of Job, but well worth our paying attention to in examining our attitudes.