Niles man gets prison time for drunken driving

Published 2:07 pm Monday, September 23, 2024

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NILES — A Niles man who showed up for a probation appointment drunk was sentenced to prison Monday in Berrien County Trial Court.

     Albert Steven Bruster, 52, of Niles, pleaded guilty to third offense drunk driving and was sentenced to 20 months to five years in prison. He has credit for 151 days served and must pay $258 in fines and costs.

     The incident occurred April 25 in Niles Township. His blood alcohol level was .276, more than three times the legal limit.

     Berrien County Assistant Prosecutor Jerry Vigansky said that Bruster was on probation for another drunk driving offense when this incident happened. “He’s gambling with other people’s lives, at some point his luck is going to run out,” he said.

     Defense attorney Carri Briseno said Bruster knows he is an alcoholic and wants to get help. She asked the judge to consider a probation sentence rather than prison. For his part, Bruster apologized for his actions and for appearing drunk before his probation agent.

     “Your record isn’t terrible but you do have a history of drinking and driving,” Berrien County Trial Court Judge Jennifer Smith said. “You have had probation in the past and not done well even when you were given support. I have absolutely no reason to believe that even Swift & Sure probation would have an effect.”

     “Somehow you think it’s appropriate to come drunk to your probation appointment,” she added. “You put everybody in danger. You don’t leave me much choice or other options. The only thing I can do is to keep you out of society. You drove here (to the courthouse) drunk and ran out of the courthouse. It’s really beyond anything I’ve seen.”