Jefferson fights the drug war
Published 7:24 am Saturday, May 22, 2004
By Staff
CASSOPOLIS -- Jefferson Township's Neighborhood Watch program is taking an active role in fighting the war on drugs in Cass County by sponsoring a drug awareness program next Wednesday, May 26, at 7 p.m. at Jefferson Township Hall.
The hall is located south of Cassopolis on Jefferson Center Street, west of M-62.
Residents from throughout Cass County are urged to attend the meeting.
At the April Neighborhood Watch meeting volunteers Jeff and Cathy Nelson displayed a news article showing the high volume of meth labs located in Cass County.
With input from Sheriff Joe Underwood and Neighborhood Watch Chairman Kevin Kelsheimer, the idea of a countywide meeting was developed.
The program, presented by the Cass County Sheriff's Office, will focus on the increase in illegal drug use and its related crimes.
Those attending the meeting will learn about a proposed half-mill request on the Aug. 3 primary ballot to fund a drug task force specifically for Cass County.
For more information about the May 26 meeting, contact Community Policing Chair Joe Broussard at 269-445-5466.