CULTON: There’s no excitement like back to school
Published 9:16 am Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Tuesday marked the first day back to school for grade school children across the state, who are now sitting in their classrooms and learning the basics of science, math, history and English.
While I certainly don’t miss taking tests, writing papers and taking home hours of homework each night, I am a little jealous of the excitement many of those students surely felt Monday evening.
When I was in school, I can remember always staying up late night before the first day back, my stomach always in knots of nervous excitement. I would take time the night before to iron my back to school outfit (though as I went to private school, it was always the same outfit, year after year), carefully organize my new pencils and folders (though they would be disorganized or lost by the end of the week), and make after school hangout plans with my friends (though we had likely all seen each other just a few days prior).
Every year, the first day back to school was a momentous occasion that I always looked forward to. These days, as an adult, I find it hard to think of anything that excites me quite like back to school used to. I still love a good celebration, but I have yet to find something that matches up to back to school excitement. Maybe it was all the new school supplies, the prospect of getting to spend all day long with your friends learning new things, or perhaps it was just a simpler time that is easy to look back on with fond memories.
No matter why it seemed so special, I think we adults should work a little harder to chase the high of back to school. Though it can be hard with the burden of bills, work and adult responsibilities, we should still try to find excitement in the little things. We should create experiences for ourselves and our loved ones that we can look forward to with the enthusiasm of a child. I know it is easier said than done, but I think that is a goal worth working toward.
For any students that may be reading this, enjoy that back to school rush for as long as you can. Back to school days will be over before you even realize it.