2006 Volunteer Center Wish Book lists needed items
Published 7:38 am Thursday, December 1, 2005
By By ERIN VER BERKMOES / Niles Daily Star
NILES - If you find yourself in a cleaning mood this holiday season and have some items you are looking to donate, take a look at the 2006 Wish Book sponsored by the Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan.
Rossow said the 2006 Wish Book is available free to any business, organization, service club or individuals who many be interested in donating goods or services to the not-for-profit agencies in Southwestern Michigan.
A copy of the book can viewed at www.volunterswmi.org or by calling the volunteer center at (269) 683-5464.
Many organizations around the Niles area are featured in this year's Wish Book.
One thing which isn't on the wish list for Big Brothers Big Sisters, but is extremely needed, is the need for mentors, especially male mentors.
Big Brothers Big Sister of Berrien and Cass, is located at 10 N. Third St., Niles and can be contacted at (269) 684-1100.
Another organization in need of having their wishes granted this year is the Ferry Street School Community Resource Center, located at 620 Ferry St., in Niles.
Northside Child Development Center, located at 2020 N. Fifth St., in Niles, is looking to better the education of the children at the school with their wish.
Northside also has a big wish which they have been looking to complete for a couple of years.
Rossow said the Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan also needs a few wishes granted.
If a business or group is interested in helping any of the agencies in the wish book, please contact the Volunteer Center at (269) 683-5464 so they will be able to keep accurate records of the wishes which have been fulfilled.