NOVAK: Video displays everything good about sports

Published 9:10 am Thursday, June 14, 2018

There is a video floating around the internet that many of you may have seen on Facebook over the last couple of days.

It is a video of a state championship baseball game where two lifelong friends are facing each other with just one out remaining.

One is the pitcher and the other is at the plate hitting.

The pitcher got the better of his friend on this day, striking him out and sending his team on to the state finals.

But instead of waiting for his teammates to mob him near the mound, he rushes to home plate to console his friend who just had his dreams crushed.

The two embrace while the team celebrates in the background.

I have rarely seen a more fitting tribute to the power of high school athletics.

That young man did not learn compassion sitting in a classroom learning about math, science or social studies.

He learned about the highs and lows of life by playing sports, as well as having a family that taught him right and wrong.

Regular readers of my column know how passionate I am about defending high school sports when people try to say they are overblown or when a school district wants to cut them to save money.

While a classroom education is invaluable to their future, so is learning the life lessons taught by sports.

Any coach worth the honor of that title teaches his players how to play the game they have chosen to participate in, but he or she also teaches them how to overcome adversity and how to deal with success.

They teach young men and women about how to deal with teammates who come from different backgrounds, different religions and different races.

Rarely do you find issues with race among sports teams. Being able to put on that uniform and unite for a common goal always outweighs racial tensions.

The movie “Remember the Titans” is based on a true story and it shows what a positive force sports can be for change in a community.

Football probably tells that tale better than any other sport because it brings together entire communities each Friday night. They sit side-by-side cheering their favorite team no matter what else might be going on during the rest of the week.

And for a few hours sports takes people away from their everyday problems.

I am not going to lie. The video of the two baseball players embracing made me cry., but it is good to cry about something special like the show of sportsmanship they displayed.

There are high school sports teams out there who do not have the same class as others. I understand that.

I have even seen a couple of area teams this last three weeks of the regular season act in a manner that made me sick to my stomach.

But for the most part, I can honestly say that the six school districts that I have the pleasure to cover do a great job of playing the game the way it is supposed to be played and do it with class.

So, the next time you think too much emphasis is put on sports, call up that video of the two baseball players and watch it.

There are thousands of more videos just like it out there to view.

We have all seen some videos of kids acting up on the internet as well because for some reason people like to shown the darker side of just about anything.

But if I had to wager a bet, I would guess that the displays of good sportsmanship far outweigh the bad.

Scott Novak is sports editor for Leader Publications. He can be reached at