LETTER: Conspicuous consumption
Published 8:00 am Thursday, December 7, 2017
I think I can honestly say I have never been afraid.
Well, maybe for a few seconds after I moved from the South and realized that I had no experience on icy roads. I was always confident that things would always work out in the end, and they did.
But lately I have been experiencing a growing sense of fear. My emotions have swung between hopefulness and resignation. I feel we have surrendered our future as a civilized species to greed.
If we stop ruining our environment in search of growth, prices of everything will go up. People will start looking inward for peace and enjoyment because they will not be able to afford every new fad that comes on the market.
They will rely more on their family for strength. They will demand that the government quit supporting a war machine and concentrate on supporting the needs of the average citizen.
Our leaders need to become aware of the fact that our present lifestyle is not sustainable and we need to adjust to the changes that are occurring.
Thomas Rea