There is hope in the midst of chaos
Published 6:07 pm Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Two major storms within days have put thousands of people in distress.
Even the casual observer would conclude these are stretching times.
Major natural events like earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc., hurl us around like flotsam on a troubled sea. All we can do is respond with whatever resources we have.
Hope can only come from almighty God. Hope lifts us up in the midst of severe circumstances. Hope is buoyed by what we see in the goodness, energy and generosity of so many people.
Like at Dunkirk, a flotilla of boats moved out to rescue any and all from the floodwaters in Texas. People, pets and precious possessions were all retrieved from the jaws of disaster.
First responders of every sort were poised in Florida to rush in, even before the winds died down, to do whatever it took to render aid. Story after story encourages us and reminds us that the goodness of God working through people is an unstoppable force.
On another note, every time we hear of record storms, we are drawn back to the words of scripture, remembering Romans 8:22: “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.”
This earth is not our home. For every believer in Christ, there is a home in heaven which can never be shaken or destroyed.
This earth will go away in cataclysmic happenings. The blessed hope is the return of Jesus Christ, which will come on the heels of many varied and severe natural happenings. We are told when we see things like this, “look up, for your redemption draws nigh.”
I know people have been asking for a long time, “Is this the end?” It may not be this time, but it is never unhealthy to be reminded of the mighty power of God and his working through all things to accomplish his ultimate plan.
Hope is the eternal power of God that lifts us above every circumstance of life.
Dan Puckett works with road team operations at Life Action Ministries in Buchanan.