Girls on the Run shows no sign of slowing down

Published 11:06 am Monday, June 5, 2017

There are countless organizations and volunteers improving our county: Domestic and Sexual Abuse Services, CASA, the Cass County COA, The Young Professionals of Greater Dowagiac, etc., that all deserve the same thank-you and recognition that I’d like to give to another program for youth girls.

Girls on the Run may not have an instant impact, but it sprinkles its dust everywhere, and the kindness factor spreads between girls and out into their community. When we say it “takes a village,” nothing is more true!

As a child growing up with a ton of stress at home, I could have benefited early on from a program that teaches you to release it in the form of exercise and kindness, and not replicate it in the examples I was being shown. I needed something that teaches girls to empower each other and how to take small steps to improve and reach a bigger goal.

GOTR does all of these things, including showing my daughter how to cope positively and kindly with the stresses of being a girl today. It is extremely important to me.

I would like to shout out a gracious thank you to our coaches, Tennille Michalak and Nancy Northrop, who as teachers gave even more of their time to the girls at Justus Gage for Girls on the Run 2017.

Thanks also to their principal, Bryan Henry, who goes the extra mile to make sure this program stays in his school.

We also thank the staff of Dowagiac Pizza Hut, who once again provided the pizza, breadsticks and dessert for the teams celebration parties! Thanks also to the Dowagiac Daily News for spreading the word to our community about this positive program.

We will be looking for coaches and junior coaches (16 years and older — high school track team?!) for all of the elementary schools and the middle school next year. The program begins in March.

Please contact Girls on the Run Berrien/Cass County for information on volunteering or information for your child to participate.

Stephanie Pinkowski

Girls on the Run Liaison,
Dowagiac elementary schools