Births at Lakeland Niles Jan. 13 – Jan. 20
Published 8:14 am Thursday, January 26, 2017
Darien Wirick and Keenoy Ratsamy, of Buchanan, are the parents of a daughter, Harlyn Ratsamy, born 11:23 p.m. Jan. 13, 2017.
She weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 21 inches.
Maternal grandmother is Latasha Robinson, of Niles.
Paternal grandparents are Keooudone and Houmphanh Ratsamy, of Cass.
Marisa Shedrick and Claude Shedrick Jr., of Niles are the parents of a daughter, Christiana Lynn Shedrick, born 10:57 a.m. Jan. 17, 2017.
She weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and measured 20 inches.
Maternal grandparents are Lila and Rod Cowell, of South Haven.
Paternal grandparents are Rick and Christina DeMorrow, of Niles and Claude Shedrick Sr., of Central Village, Connecticut.
Maternal great-grandmother is Betty Jo Batey, of Glenn, Michigan.
Paternal great-grandparents are George and Patti Chartier, of Niagara, Wisconsin and Geraldine and Marvin Shedrick and Jimmy Lee and Madonna Howard, of Newfoundland, Canada.
Stevye Cossey and Randy Starkey, of Dowagiac, are the parents of a son, Vasen Starkey, born 9:58 p.m. Jan. 20, 2017.
He weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 18 inches.
He has two siblings: Valen Starkey, 8 and Makayla Starkey, 17.
Maternal grandparents are Deborah and William Cossey, of South Bend.
Paternal grandfather is George Starkey, of Arkansas.