2017 offers another chance to get it right
Published 9:24 am Thursday, December 29, 2016
America has suffered a great deal this year.
Tragedy became so commonplace that, at some point, many of us became desensitized to it — a tragedy in and of itself. How harrowing is it to hear of yet another mass killing, hate crime or attack on police and not be surprised?
In retrospect, the magnitude of so many bizarre acts of violence is staggering. National headlines featured outlandish crimes committed as close to home as western Michigan that plagued just about every state in the nation.
From a crazed Uber driver killing people in Kalamazoo to a senseless hate crime at an Orlando nightclub, it seemed we were hearing of a new massacre every week.
The division caused by a war on race and public safety foreshadowed the chaos that ensued from divisive politics in our presidential election.
Elsewhere in the world, terrorist attacks killed thousands and left survivors fearing for their lives.
In many ways, 2016 was a sad, angry year that caused us to throw up our hands and wonder what the world was coming to.
As we close this chapter and open a new one, it is important that we focus on the future without dwelling on the past.
While it is important to look back at past events to determine what went wrong and how to prevent them moving forward, we must avoid the temptation to let the pain from past experiences make us bitter or pessimistic. It would be a disservice to those lost in these senseless tragedies for us to lose hope for a brighter future, or at the very least stop trying to make change.
We must keep moving forward because we have been given the opportunity to do so.
It is important that we recognize that our woes are not unprecedented. Since the beginning of time our ancestors have faced tribulations, and, as difficult as it may be to believe, the world has faced even direr straits. If we learn to work together rather than against one another, it is entirely possible that brighter days are ahead.
As Oscar Wilde once wrote, “It takes a great deal of courage to see the world in all its tainted glory, and still to love it.”
This year, I resolve to find that courage. I resolve to remain positive that things will get better and have the determination to do whatever I can to make a difference for the better.
Most importantly, I resolve to love the world I’ve been blessed to live in, because too many others have not been afforded the same opportunity.
I encourage you all to do the same.
Ambrosia Neldon is the general manager at Leader Publications. She can be reached by phone at (269) 687-7713, or by email at ambrosia.neldon@leaderpub.com.