Volunteer of the week: Sandra Kluskowski of Edwardsburg
Published 9:22 am Thursday, December 11, 2014
Sandra Kluskowski, of Edwardsburg, volunteers at God’s Wearhouse, a clothing ministry sponsored by Hope United Methodist Church of Edwardsburg. It is open from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It is located at 69175 M-62 in Edwardsburg.
What services does God’s Wearhouse provide?
It is mainly free clothes. Sometimes families come in here and are seeking household items like furniture or dishes. We have them write what they need down and, as things get donated, we put them in a box with their name on it and let them know what we got for them. There have been people who have lost everything in a fire that have come to us for clothes and anything else they needed. It is open to anybody. We haven’t turned anyone away.
How did you get involved?
Three years ago I saw a lot of people here (at God’s Wearhouse) and I wanted to know what it was. I came in and they told me it was a free store. I asked what I could do to volunteer and help the community. They told me to start and ever since I’ve been here.
How often do you volunteer there?
We (other volunteers) volunteer three times a week, but we are here pretty much everyday of the week. We have to make sure everything is kept up and make sure things are being dropped off — all the little stuff that needs to get done. It is basically a second home.
What do you enjoy about volunteering there?
The people that you meet here are amazing. Some are regulars and some are new. The ones that are new are in shock when they come in here because there aren’t very many free stores or free places around here anymore. Just being able to help out people is our goal.
Why is volunteering important to you?
For me it started off of praying. I know, with my background being a Godly person, I want to do something to serve people. I’ve grown up knowing I need to do something to serve people. My parents taught me that. Ever since then I’ve tried to do what I could. I found this place and I never left. I don’t think they want to get rid of me.
Do you know a volunteer worthy of recognition? Nominate him or her as the Volunteer of the Week by calling Craig Haupert, community editor, at (269) 687-7720, or emailing him at craig.haupert@leaderpub.com.