DAR sponsoring free public genealogy workshop
Published 10:20 am Tuesday, September 22, 2009
CASSOPOLIS – The public is invited to a free genealogy workshop sponsored by the Capt. Samuel Felt Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).
The event builds on last year’s workshop and is again presented by Toni Benson, a well -known genealogist .
Toni is a Van Buren District librarian who has presented many genealogy workshops and written several articles on genealogy. The workshop will be at Cass District Library on Saturday, Oct. 10, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Reference materials and guidance will be available.
Please bring a sack lunch; beverages will be provided.
If participants are interested in help with applications based on genealogy, be sure to bring your research with you.
You don’t need to have attended last year to benefit this year, and last year’s attendees will gain added material.
The workshop was a proven success in 2008, and the Capt. Samuel Felt Chapter looks forward to seeing you this Oct. 10.
For further information or help with questions, contact Paula Johnson, Chapter Regent, at (269) 646-9164 or e-mail rollinghillssp@gmail.com.