Jesus has it all covered
Published 10:34 pm Thursday, December 9, 2010
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.” These were the words of Jesus, in the gospel of John 14:1 to his troubled disciples as they faced the departure of Jesus. Jesus said He was going away to a place they could not come, at least not yet.
It was a troubling time as well because Jesus had explained that he would suffer many things at the hands of the Jewish leaders and be killed by them (Matthew 16:21). Jesus also said he would be raised from the dead, but that fact had not penetrated the thoughts of the disciples.
Jesus went on to say, in John 14:1, “Trust in God; trust also in me.”
Jesus continued with some other facts about the future, but the main comfort for the troubling time was faith.
“Trust in God.” The essence of the Christian faith is an abiding faith in God almighty. God is love and God is good. Those two facts must be at the top of any list. God does not always keep us from trouble; he goes with us through the trouble. “Trust in God.” He cares and he is in control.
Jesus said, “Trust also in me.” These men knew Jesus. They had been with him for three years. They had seen him perform many miracles. He had told them that he was the son of God.
The imminent threat was death. In their minds, death was the biggest enemy; it was the end. Jesus said to look beyond death. There is something else. Jesus said He was going away but that he would be back to get them and take them to where he was (John 14:2-3).
Faith in God and in Jesus Christ the son of God has two layers. The first layer is possible deliverance from a present situation. God can deliver, and life can go on. The second layer is the ultimate. It is life after death. It is life in heaven with God for eternity for those who have put their faith in Christ.
Jesus said that death would take him, but it would not hold him. He would be raised from the dead by the power of his father (Matthew 16:21). He said, after his death and resurrection, he would have all power and authority (Matthew 28:18), and would come back to get them (John 14:3). It was win-win.
Thomas asked the ultimate question, in John 14:5: “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Jesus has it all covered: grace and mercy for life circumstances and heaven after we die. The key is, trust God … period. God is good — all the time.
The Rev. Dan Puckett is a minister with Life Action Ministries.