Tyler sworn in

Published 8:47 am Friday, January 16, 2009

By Staff
LANSING – State Reps. Sharon Tyler and John Proos Wednesday took their oaths of office as they were ceremonially sworn in at the Capitol.
The event marked the first session day of Michigan's 95th Legislature.
"I am excited about the possibilities before us," said Tyler, R-Niles, who was elected in November to succeed Rep. Neal Nitz, R-Baroda, who was term-limited after six years.
"We have a wonderful opportunity to turn our state around and I am looking forward to working with the people of southwest Michigan to make that happen."
Proos, R-St. Joseph, also said he is excited to get to work.
"Even though this is my third term, you never lose the feeling you get the first time you walk through the House chamber doors, or the sense of pride and honor to be able to represent your community," Proos said.
While the Republican lawmakers said they are optimistic about the future, both expressed concern about the state's expected $1.5 billion budget shortfall next year and Michigan's continued job loss.
"Having been through the budget battle that consumed most of the Legislature's attention in 2007, I know how difficult it can be to come to agreement when making tough decisions. We must put partisanship aside and do what is in the best interest of the state if we are to create a long-lasting solution to our structural budget deficit," Proos said.
Tyler said she hoped the situation would be different this time around.
"I am hopeful this Legislature can find a better way to resolve the many challenges facing our state. As someone who has worked in economic development for more than 20 years, I know that the key to fixing our economy is creating a positive environment for job growth and that is my number-one concern as a new lawmaker in Lansing."
Tyler invited campaign volunteers to join her at the Capitol for the event.
Proos was joined by his wife and three children as all 110 members of the Michigan House took the oath of office.
Residents may contact Tyler at her Lansing office by calling toll-free 1-888-373-0078 or e-mailing sharontyler@house.mi.gov.
Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saulius "Saul" Anuzis issued congratulatory comments: "Republicans in the House caucus, southwest Michigan and the entire State of Michigan are fortunate to have a steadfast leader like Rep. Tyler amongst their ranks.
"I am confident she will fight hard to turn around Michigan's dismal economy by working for structural reforms to the state budget and opposing any tax or fee increases."