O’Brien the best choice

Published 8:56 pm Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dear editor:

For 25 years, Fred Upton has been representing the Michigan Sixth District in Washington. Consequently, he has been there making legislative decisions that adversely affected our country and our economy.
I believe, as many members of this district believe, that it is time to elect someone who is in touch with mainstream, middle class America to represent us. It is time to elect Mike O’Brien.
Unlike Mr. Upton who was raised with upper-class privilege as an heir to Whirlpool fortune, Mike O’Brien was raised by a single-mother and knows about the struggles women who are left to raise their children face.
Unlike Fred who voted to send the military into harm’s way, Mike actually served as a Marine and has first-hand knowledge of the men and women and their families, sacrifices and hardships as they face danger and work to protect our freedoms.
Since Mike successfully owned and operated a farm in Fennville, he has actual experience and understanding of what faces our hard-working farm families in the Sixth District. He also understands the impact of the costly decisions and legislation in Washington that has had a negative impact on safe and healthy agriculture in our country.
Finally, unlike Fred who has enjoyed a career in politics, Mike O’Brien has worked in the private sector and with alternative energy. He understands what those in the middle class and the mainstream face every day. He has the experience and understanding of how difficult the devastating actions of those in Washington have been for many in our country.
Mike O’Brien is the best choice to next represent us in the Sixth District. Take the opportunity to meet and learn more about Mike www.mikeobrienforcongress.com, then cast your vote for a true representative in Washington.

Bette Pierman
Benton Harbor