We need Don Cooney in Fred Upton’s chair

Published 4:24 am Monday, October 27, 2008

By Staff
To the editor:
Election 2008 is about as important an election as I can remember. These past years under the incompetent leadership of President George Bush, with Rep. Fred Upton at his side on most, if not all, issues, have got to come to an end. The well-worn phrase "enough is enough" certainly applies to the last eight long years.
I have not known Don Cooney over the years, but the conversations I've had with him, hearing his ideas and reading his words, is enough for me to know we need him in Fred Upton's chair.
Dr. Cooney is a staunch advocate for a living wage and the working families that live off that wage, and his commitment to investment in renewable energy conservation and mass transit makes me doubly certain that he understands what working families need – and what our environment needs!
Having worked on environmental issues in Michigan for more than 30 years, it really pleases me to see a candidate for this important national office stand up for earth care and health care. In many cases, the two issues are wrapped up in each other anyway!
Don Cooney's experience as a Kalamazoo city commissioner since 1997 tells me his work is in line with the people's needs.
As a founding board member of Kalamazoo Communities and Schools, makes him well aware of the needs of education at the home front.
A vote for Don Cooney puts our state's needs and our individual interests back in the forefront in Washington, D.C. – more important than ever!