Edwardsburg’s Koontz, Shuttleworth honored

Published 4:25 am Wednesday, June 4, 2008

By By JEFF FISHER / Dowagiac Daily News
It was a banner year for the Edwardsburg sports program as several sports either won the Lakeland Conference in their respective sports or tied for first place.
Monday night, the high school awarded athletes for their performance.
Tennis, conference co-champs:
Abby Watkins was named MVP and first team All Lakeland
Christina Boelser was Most Improved and second-team All-LAC
C.C. Roberts, Jenee Antoniu, and Cassie DeMerchant were named team captains.
Boys Golf awarded Cameron Barber and Chris Eaton as their team MVP and Will Brubaker was MIP. Eaton, Barber, Brubaker, and Curtis Holmes were maned captains.
Track conference champions in girls gave Stephanie Koontz and Erin Eggleston MVP awards. India Jackson was Most Improved. Along with Koontz and Eggleston, Kathy Stewart were captains.
Boys track saluted Brent Shuttleworth and Brian Sevison were saluted as MVP's. Most Improved went to Zak Eggleston. Ahrin Lemacks along with Shuttleworth were team captains.
In baseball, the MVP awards went to Corey Johnson and Josh Getz. Derrick James picked up the MIP. Nick Fedore and Getz were named captains.
Softball conference champions gave their MVP to Jeni Boellenbacher. Most Improved went to Paige Kelly and Taylor McGrath. Captains were Boellenbacher, Courtney Steele, Ashley Ward, and Elizabeth Huffman.
Another conference champion was the girls soccer squad.
Amanda Mooth took home the MVP award. Macy Stevenson was the MIP. Team captains were Mooth, C.C. Roberts, Bridget Patzer. and Samantha Brousseau.