Resurfacing projects to begin April 26 on Niles streets

Published 7:30 pm Saturday, April 10, 2010

The East Main Street (Maple to 17th) and Lake Street (Fifth to 11th) resurfacing projects in Niles are expected to get underway Monday, April 26.

Work is expected to move along quickly, starting with sidewalk ramp work on Lake, then shifting to Main Street. Cold milling and paving work is expected for completion on Lake Street beginning around May 10 and later in the week on East Main Street. Pavement marking will immediately follow the paving work. Expect traffic delays, particularly during the milling and paving operations with lane closures and flagging operations in place.

Rieth-Riley Construction Co. of Benton Harbor is the general contractor on the $227,100 ARRA-funded project.

All dates are weather permitting. Both of these roadways are heavily traveled so motorists should start thinking about finding alternate routes to their destinations during the construction to avoid delays.