National Emergency Preparedness Month
Published 10:33 pm Tuesday, September 7, 2010
September is designated as National Emergency Preparedness Month to emphasize the importance of everyone taking steps to prepare their home, workplace, and families for potential emergencies.
Severe weather events, fires and hazardous material contamination caused by a transportation or industrial emergency can affect our daily life and pose a threat to health and welfare.
Dowagiac Department of Public Safety Director Thomas A. Atkinson takes this opportunity to remind citizens that although first responders stand ready to assist, they cannot always reach victims in the early minutes, hours and sometimes days of a disaster, depending on the scope of the crisis.
The purpose of Safety Corner as a weekly feature is to provide information to help families and businesses prepare for just such events.
Another valuable resource is available via the Web @
This is a national government Web site and offers a variety of quick and easy steps you can take that will increase your ability to withstand the inconveniences (and sometimes safety hazards) that may affect you during a power outage, property damage, health alert or other emergency event.
As you schedule activities on your calendar for the upcoming school year, why not add one task each month to prepare your family in the event of an emergency?
Make an evacuation plan, establish a first aid kit and stock necessary supplies in the event that you must shelter in place, establish a contact out of the immediate area for all family members to check in with if you become separated, etc.
All this information (and more) is readily available to you from and the American Red Cross Web site and easily adapts to your personal and family requirements.
Participate in local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) trainings.
These are free and give individuals a broad range of training to allow community members to help themselves and those around you until first responders arrive and to provide valuable support to the first responders.
Additional programs provided by the National Weather Service, American Red Cross and other community organizations are a valuable resource for you, as well.
Safety Corner is a weekly feature of the Dowagiac Department of Public Safety designed to bring you timely information and offer educational materials and resources to you through the Dowagiac Daily News.
Special Needs Registration forms are available through the Dowagiac Police Department.
Contact Patty Klug at (269) 782-9743, ext. 301, to request a form.
The information will only be used to identify individuals who may need special assistance in the event of an emergency in the city.
The Dowagiac Department of Public Safety strives to continually offer new and innovative ways to engage community members in our quest to keep our city residents and visitors safe. Take a moment TODAY to check out the resources listed.
Remember the motto in emergency preparedness: it is not if an emergency will occur in my community, it is when! Begin your journey toward a prepared tomorrow!
If you have additional topics that you would like included in future editions of Safety Corner, please contact Patty Klug at the Dowagiac Police Department at 782-9743, ext. 301.