Bill Bradford: Chester doesn’t really hate my wife’s cooking

Published 11:46 pm Wednesday, August 18, 2010

There was a knock at my back door yesterday. When I went to investigate, it was one of my friends who has just come to retirement age of 65 years.
He had tried to reach us by telephone, but the line was busy while we talked with our son Tom for an hour.
So, Chester had driven over to see if we would like to spend a couple of hours out on Lake Michigan in the sailboat of a mutual friend.
Because of his gender, it can’t be. But Chester looks like he is about 7 months pregnant. We don’t condemn him for that.
After all, about two out of every three Americans are over what would be their most healthy body weight.
But the remarkable thing about Chester is that he not only recognizes his condition, he is doing something constructive to remedy the situation.
We were almost ready to sit down for lunch when Chester knocked on our door. So we invited him to join us for the noon meal. He said he had not eaten breakfast and was indeed hungry, so yes, he would be happy to join us.
Dorothy had prepared a tasty lentil roast and potatoes and we had broccoli, cucumbers and fresh tomatoes from the garden.
Chester is a successful businessman and just a fine friend.
He has been to our home on several occasions to fellowship and eat lunch.
So in the past we noted that he always liked our menus and ate well. Yesterday, however was different.
Chester ate about a tablespoon of lentil roast. His amount of potato was equal to about a tablespoon also.
And he ate well of the broccoli and sliced tomatoes.
I thought that for a hungry man who had not eaten breakfast by the noon hour, there must be something wrong with our food.
Conversation in the sailboat out on Lake Michigan, however, revealed the answer to our question.
Chester is taking charge of his health.
During a recent vacation of about three weeks, Chester reduced his body weight by 10 pounds.
Dynamic Health has scheduled a Health and Safety Fair for Sunday, Aug. 22, on the grounds of the Seventh-day Adventist Church at 410 Hill St. in Dowagiac from 8 a.m. till 2 p.m.
Body Mass Index measurement, blood pressure, computer health age and spiritual health will all be featured without cost.
On the safety side, the Dowagiac Fire Department, Police Department and medical transport will be featured.
Pancake breakfast and/or lunch of beans, health wieners and chips will be available for $1 per meal.
Appointment for nominal cost comprehensive blood testing may be made by phoning 877-528-8155.
The evaluations and inspiration of this fair may help many to make that new start in better lifestyle.
You might see Chester there and let him tell you how he has lost another five pounds.