Help maintain roads
Published 10:04 pm Tuesday, July 13, 2010
CASSOPOLIS – With more than 1,000 miles of road to maintain in Cass County, the Cass County Road Commission is asking for the public’s help in keeping road right-of-ways free of trash and debris.
While the commission’s main function is to maintain and repair the roads for the traveling public, the agency often receives telephone calls for numerous other services including roadside trash removal, road officials say.
Tapping into programs such as the Adopt-A-Road Program and use of Cass County Jail inmates help keep the roads clean, Louis Csokasy, road commission manager, said Tuesday.
“We also recently have taken the initiative to work with law enforcement on trash removal,” Csokasy said.
“For example, recently one of our volunteers while removing roadside trash found names and addresses in the material being removed. We turned over this evidence to the Cass County Sheriff’s Office, which is currently pursuing the matter.
“Additionally, the Cass County Road Commission is billing the individuals for the cost of the cleanup. While it is expensive to pay for trash service it is necessary and unfair for a small minority to dump trash along our roads,” he said. Persons interested in the Adopt-A-Road Program or in volunteering to help alleviate the accumulation of trash along county roads are encouraged to call the road commission at (269) 445-8611.