Technology is ever-changing in Dowagiac schools
Published 7:18 pm Wednesday, November 22, 2006
By Staff
Technology in the Dowagiac Schools is constantly evolving and changing.
Much like any business, the technologies employed throughout our school district must be updated continuously.
The first item on everyone's list when it comes to technology is, of course, computers.
With several hundred computers in use throughout the school district, keeping them up to date is no easy task.
Three years ago we identified the "critical" systems in use throughout the Dowagiac district.
Based upon that information, a schedule was developed to replace those critical systems over a five-year term.
This system has worked very well, as it has allowed us to stay current with the technology demands of an ever-changing software environment.
Software is another huge component of technology.
Computer systems are simply a very sophisticated calculator waiting for the software to tell it what to do.
The software on our computers runs the gamut from operating systems to photo editing software.
Ever-changing software is the reason that any computer needs to be replaced.
Every year the respective departments throughout the school district evaluate what software packages are available that will help our students become better equipped for their future.
Examples of software in use within the district are programs that help our students with reading, math, spelling, typing, composition and critical thinking.
The part of technology least thought about is infrastructure.
Technology infrastructure is all the plumbing that goes on behind the scene to make things work.
Without proper "plumbing" the computer systems, phones, security systems, Internet access and video systems will not work efficiently, if at all.
Good infrastructure is not an inexpensive proposition.
All of our buildings were wired internally a few years ago utilizing grant monies. This internal wiring is still applicable and in use today.
Additionally, two years ago, the district, in partnership with the City of Dowagiac, installed a fiber optic ring within the city to inter-connect all of the buildings within the ring.
This fiber ring has proved invaluable in allowing us to provide high-speed Internet access to all buildings, centralize and update our file servers for shared use throughout the district and, because of the connectivity it provided, an updated phone system was made possible.
Continuous evaluation and improvements will continue in the technology arena within the Dowagiac Union Schools District.
Not for sake of technology, but to allow our students the opportunity to use these technologies in preparation for demands that face them in a technology-driven economy and an ever-shrinking world.