UPS Store holding holiday food drive

Published 2:29 am Monday, November 3, 2008

By Staff
NILES – The UPS Store(r) location, at 732 South 11th St. in the Martin's Plaza, will conduct a holiday food drive during the month of November. The food will be donated to the Christian Service Center, located at 322 Clay St. in Niles.
Customers who bring in 3 lbs. of food will receive $1 off of purchases over $10. Donations of 5 lbs. or more will be worth $2 off of purchases over $10.
"The need for contributions at the local food pantries is significant at this difficult time in our economy," said The UPS Store owner Jim Lister. "We are excited to start this drive to help re-stock the supply at the Christian Service Center and help to give back to the community. Our goal is to collect 100 lbs of food."
The food will be delivered to the Christian Service Center throughout the drive and a tally board at the Store will show progress towards the 100-pound goal.
According to Patricia Saxton of the Christian Service Center, the types of foods needed most are any non-perishable canned, packaged or boxed food items. Saxton estimates that the Christian Service Center has seen an increase of 25 percent more clients this year as compared to only a 10 percent increase in years past.
For more information about The UPS Store Holiday Food Drive, contact Jim Lister at (269) 683-7320.
The UPS Store and Mail Boxes Etc. retail locations are franchised by Mail Boxes Etc., Inc., a UPS subsidiary. Together The UPS Store and Mail Boxes Etc. locations comprise the world's largest franchise network of retail shipping, postal and business service centers, with more than 5,900 locations around the world.
In the United States, The UPS Store and Mail Boxes Etc. locations are independently owned and operated by licensed franchisees of Mail Boxes Etc., Inc.