Prayer vigil set for first day of Cassopolis schools
Published 12:25 pm Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Cassopolis United Methodist Church (CUMC) has scheduled a 12-hour walk-in prayer vigil for school children and staff on Tuesday, Sept. 8, the first day of classes for Cassopolis Public Schools.
The vigil will begin at 6 a.m. and continue until 6 p.m. in the Prayer Room on the lower level of the Cassopolis United Methodist Church, 209 S. Rowland St. (Enter from the O’Keefe Street parking lot). All community members are invited to “drop-in” at any time during these hours to pray for school children and staff as they begin a new school year.
There is no formal program planned. CUMC is simply providing a time and a place for prayer. A church member will be present to greet prayers and direct them to the prayer room, where “prayer cards” will be available with specific prayer suggestions like patience for teachers, curiosity for students, and encouragement for parents.
The Back to School Prayer Vigil is an ecumenical invitation to all area residents of all faiths. Vigil organizers are encouraging community members to stop by before or after work, during the lunch hour, with or without a friend. Some families may want to come together and bring their own school children with them.
For further information, contact the church office: 269-445-3107 or