Merry Christmas – I mean Happy Thanksgiving!

Published 1:03 pm Thursday, November 22, 2007

By Staff
Is it really already Thanksgiving? Or is it Christmas? It seems we have completely skipped that holiday and gone straight to Christmas.
The day after Halloween, stores were stocking their shelves with Christmas items, radio stations are already playing Christmas music and, as I write this column Wednesday afternoon, Walking In a Winter Wonderland is playing in the office. I would rather listen to the Itsy Bitsy Spider 55 times in a row. Not that I don't like Christmas songs, just not this early!
Thanksgiving and Christmas are my two favorite holidays. If you ask me, they are the only two days that have a true meaning behind them. Now I am sorry, but I can not see a reason to celebrate the great days of Hat Day, Green Day, Wear a Yellow Shirt Day, Do Not Pump Gas Day and Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. We have too many days of celebrating weird stuff!
Anywho, I enjoy Thanksgiving for a number of different reasons, but the biggest is that it's a chance to be surrounded by family and friends. It's a reminder of how thankful and lucky I am to have so many great people in my life. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, nieces, nephews, friends – I must say I am very fortunate.
My family, well, this small space couldn't even describe how thankful I am for them. My family means everything to me. They are supportive, understanding, welcoming, funny, kind, the list could go on for miles.
My closest friends are friends for life! As we all know, you often meet people in your life, some turn out to be the best friends ever, others are not. As I am maturing, I've come to realize who my true friends really are. I can count them on one hand and I am thankful to have them in my life.
The food part of Thanksgiving is wonderful as well, but as I am sitting here looking at a table piled high with food at the office, I will say turkey is the last thing on my mind. I actually have a slight stomach ache from eating too much! I have sampled everything at least twice and for some reason keep going back for more. Then I wonder why I gain weight around the holidays! No complaints though, you only live once and I am going to enjoy as much holiday food as I can, while I can. I am not going to look back on my life when I am older and wonder why I only ate one small piece of turkey, a teaspoon of mashed potatoes and an entire plate full of salad and Wheat Thins – no thanks!
They didn't invent gyms, workout tapes and sidewalks for nothing!
Newsflash – Kenny G's version of Silent Night is now putting everyone in the office to sleep.
Sorry, nothing against Kenny G, I really like him. I just got a kick out of looking around and seeing everyone squinting at their computer screens and loading up on caffeine.
This makes me want to secretly change the station and turn on some AC/DC. That will wake them up.
Back to Thanksgiving, I think I have covered everything needed. I hope everyone knows how thankful I am for everything that has happened to me over the last 25 (almost 26) years – the good and the bad.
Merry Christmas everyone! Oh, wait, I mean Happy Thanksgiving! Confused once again!