Vet details “Lest We Forget”
Published 5:02 pm Thursday, May 24, 2012
Dowagiac Rotary Club members met Thursday to listen to retired U.S. Marine and Vietnam War veteran Harvey Ross talk about the upcoming “Lest We Forget” World War II re-enactment event in St. Joseph and Benton Harbor June 29.
The re-enactment, which will occur from June 29 to July 1, includes beach landings on Tiscnornia Beach in St. Joseph and ground battles at the Southwest Michigan Regional Airport in Benton Harbor. The event kicks off with the opening of the camp, which features military aircraft, vehicles, re-enactors and a military vehicle parade.
“It’s amazing the collections that a lot of these veterans bring,” Ross said during his presentation Thursday.
“This helps get us in mind of our soldiers and gear up for the weekend,” said Barbara Groner, Rotary Club president.
Ross said that while this will be the third re-enactment from “Lest We Forget,” it could be the last.
“I don’t think they’ll do it anymore,” Ross said. “It costs about $80,000, but it’s really a worthwhile presentation.”
Ross also said the presentation is a great way to recognize how much veterans mean to a community, state and country.
“It’s amazing what people have done with their lives,” Ross said.
For more information on the “Lest We Forget” World War II re-enactment, call (269) 925-7176 or visit