Fly-In Breakfast to feature World War II B-24 pilot

Published 12:14 pm Friday, June 22, 2007

By Staff
NILES – On Sunday morning, the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 865 will hold its 21st annual Fly-In/Breakfast.
Many antique and modern aircraft will be flying into Jerry Tyler Municipal Airport, Niles (3TR), joining other pilots and residents of Niles and the area to enjoy a meal and hear interesting stories.
A special guest will be signing autographs of a picture of his flight crew and the B-24 bomber that he flew for 40 combat missions in the Asian theater in World War II.
Barney O'Hare, World War II B-24 pilot will relate his experiences and how he and his crew were the lone returning bomber during one mission in his career.
They were bombing Japanese refinery installations near Hong Kong. Seven bombers of the 832 were attacked by 40 Mitsubishi Zeros.
O'Hare, after dropping his bombs on target, flew into a dangerous thunder cloud. Coming out after a harrowing ride, the Zero attacked again and they flew into another thunderhead. Again this was a dangerous alternative to the Zeroes, but they came out of the cloud with no attacking enemy fighters. The Zeroes were probably low on fuel and turned back to their base.
O'Hare's B-24, named the Doodlebug, was the only surviving bomber to return home from that mission.
The event runs from 7 a.m. to noon with the traditional all-you-can-eat pancakes and sausage or sausage gravy and biscuits with real orange juice and regular or decaf coffee.
Over 100 aircraft of all types are expected. You don't have to be a pilot or fly-in to enjoy the breakfast.
Airplane rides will be available for a fee, provided by Michiana Aviation.