Niles restaurants make a responsible choice

Published 9:23 am Saturday, January 27, 2007

By Staff
Here in Niles, the owners of the Hob Nob and Home Plate restaurants, Earl and Linda Foster, have taken the responsible step of dropping trans fats from their recipes.
We applaud this move for two reasons. First, as medical science gains a greater understanding of disease-causing factors, the evidence that trans fats carry detrimental risks can no longer be ignored. Therefore, taking this step shows a genuine concern for the restaurants' customers and the community at large.
When asked about their change, however, the Fosters gave another reason for changing.
"We're just trying to stay ahead of the curve without being forced to do it," Earl Foster said.
Mr. Foster raised a very relevant point, although it may not outwardly seem so. By choosing to eliminate trans fats, the Fosters are not only setting a trend for other area restaurants to follow, but their actions could preempt the need for local governments to enact broad bans on foods deemed to be unhealthy.
While there has not been serious discussion about banning trans fats in this area, the fact Berrien County is considering a county-wide smoking ban – and the fact New York City has already banned trans fats throughout the city – raises the possibility that other nanny laws may be visited upon us.
What the Fosters have done amounts to leaving the choice up to their customers, but this also makes it a gamble. While using healthier cooking oils may attract more health-minded customers, it may chase away customers who are accustomed to the tastes and textures the old oils imparted on the foods.
Any business, however, is a gamble, and therefore, this change is well within the margin of risk, comparable to any product change a restaurant may make.
We also applaud the Fosters for making this move independent of government action, and we encourage other restaurants to consider a similar move. In our community-based culture, individuals taking the initiative to make responsible decisions is how lasting changes are made.