LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The election of 2024

Published 7:34 am Thursday, October 24, 2024

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It was a honor to represent the citizens of southwestern Michigan for 16 years as their State  Representative. I ran on the Republican ticket, but once elected my goal was to listen to all citizens  and work in the legislature to solve my constituent’s problems. That took caucus work and  compromise and many times bipartisan work for the best results for Michigan and the citizens in my  district. 

However politics and the Republican Party has changed in the 21st century. The party seems to have  lost its platform roots of less government, controlled spending, good education and a strong foreign  policy doing the best for all. It seems the party now follows the changing ideas of a single person. 

Normally southwestern Michigan would not elect a candidate if their record was stiffing customers in  several bankruptcies, defrauding students with a fake university or having trouble with the law drawing many indictments and felony convictions, or alleged in sexual assaults. In addition having racial bias  and misrepresenting facts would not be qualities of getting elected in our area. 

Our election this year in 2024 will be close. One candidate promises to take us backwards and hurt our economy by putting tariffs on all imports. Expert economists estimate that it will cost average  Americans $4000 additional per year and it will drive up inflation while significantly increasing the  national debt. Other random policies not paid for are here today and forgotten tomorrow. 

However the younger candidate promises several new and different policies to help with housing  shortages, child care needs, and starting business tax credits to help stimulate the economy. Also, a  significant tax break for middle class families is planned. It seems to me that the younger candidate  more closely represents the needs of southwestern Michigan. I hope you will consider taking America  and the world on a new path of hope for all.  

Please join me and vote KAMALA HARRIS for new leadership.  

It’s close, so vote KAMALA HARRIS and after the votes are counted, then let’s all support the new  USA President for a unified America. 

Glenn Oxender

White Pigeon 

Former MI State Representative and educator