UPDATED: Chettleburgh, Bolt win 2024 Diamond Lake Triathlon titles

Published 9:30 am Sunday, July 21, 2024

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CASSOPOLIS — Perfect conditions greeted a sold-out field for the 2024 Diamond Lake Triathlon last Saturday.

Under sunny skies and mild temperatures when the first wave hit the water in front of Diamond Lake Triathlon, Michael Chettleburgh captured the men’s title with an overall time of 59:24.

Lori Bolt took home the women’s championship with a time of 1:05.20.

“The 2024 the Diamond Lake triathlon was completely sold out as 175 participants enjoyed water temperatures of 78-degree air temperatures on a beautiful sunny day,” said Race Director Joe Fazzini. “Our winners came from multiple locations, including Tri Locos of Indianapolis and Triple Threats of Granger, Indiana. Additionally, 18 relay teams, which was a record, toed the line. Our youngest competitor was eight years old and our oldest 81.”

A total of 10 different states were represented in the field. An additional 65 volunteers helped make the Diamond Lake Triathlon a success.

“Like to thank all our sponsors, volunteers, participants, and the entire Diamond Lake community and the village of Cassopolis for supporting us,” Fazzini said.

Chettleburgh completed the 500-yard swim in a time of 8:05, the 12-mile bike ride in 29:37 and the 3.3-mile run in 20:29.

Stace Tucker was second with a time of 1:01.10, while Kelly Ball was third with a clock of 1:03.03.

Rounding out the top five were Zachary Root (1:04.01) and Gavin Ferlic (1:04.5)

Bolt completed the swim with a time of 8:15, the bike ride in 32:15 and the run in 22:44.

Ashley McCuen was second with an overall time of 1:10.07, while Ellen Longcor was third with a clocking of 1:18.17.

Jamie Govert placed fourth (1:19.13) and Stephanie Gardner fifth (1:19.54).

Team Surf Internet won the relay with a time of 1:11.31. Team 3 Boys 1 Cup was second (1:17.29) and Team Waz2024 was third (1:17.34).

New in 2024 was the 500-yard swim.

Elizabeth McKinley was the inaugural winner with a time of11:45. Kristine Simons was second with a 13:14 and Donna Coffey third with a 14:45.