WILSON: A metaphysical task: Part one
Published 8:42 am Thursday, March 12, 2020
At the far end of the universe, at a point in the space/time continuum where everything tiptoes along the edge of nothingness, a cosmic wrinkle created a cradle in the fabric of all existence. From this cradle, all energy exits, returns, and ultimately ushers forth again — neither being created nor destroyed; just changing shape.
Within this cosmic cradle, sustained in place by the vortex of perpetually cycling energy, a solitary Human lifeform rested in a state of suspended function. No breathing. No heartbeat. No voluntary or involuntary responses. No thought processes — cognitive or dream state. Just existence.
A singular edict came from no apparent direction or source, “Awaken!” Although the command radiated from every molecule, atom, neutron, proton, electron, nanoparticle and organic colloid within the wrinkle, it made no physical sound in the stillness of space.
Obeying the command, the Human awoke — there was no will to refuse, no ability to choose and no capability to reason. First, the eyes opened, closed and opened again, adjusting to and absorbing visual stimulation. Next, the ears tuned to the silent cacophony of the cosmos. Finally, the nose, tongue and innumerable epidermal nerve endings took in the aroma, taste, and nearly imperceptible feel of the untampered purity of the universe.
Taking a few moments to overcome the entropy, the Human and its senses came back to life. “What’s going on?” it asked.
“You have a task to perform,” answered the Voice. “You have been chosen to deliver a message to the rest of your kind.”
“I have a kind?” the Human questioned.
“It will come back to you,” the Voice continued. “Memory is always the first to go and the last to return.” The Human looked around, trying to determine the source of the Voice. It was crisp, clear, strong and seemed to be coming from everywhere, all at once. “You have been given an important communication. It was infused into your subconscious while you were in a suspended state.”
“Why did you do that?”
“Because it is far too important to jot down on a Post-It note and stick in your pocket. Hopefully, your memory will return sooner than later, because you’re going to need it.”
“Hold on! How about some answers?” demanded the Human. “Who are you? What is going on? Why am I here? Who am I? Am I on hallucinogens?”
“No, you are not on hallucinogens — but, it is a good sign that you remember them,” the Voice responded. “However, not remembering your name is not a good sign — even if it is because of the hallucinogens. Also, you were already told why you are here — you have a message to take back to your kind — remember? As for what is going on — that can’t be explained.”
“I’m not doing squat until you tell me what is going on.”
“You don’t really get to call the shots, here, but this is the deal in a nutshell,” the Voice patiently began to explain. “The accumulated knowledge of all of humanity, over the entirety of time, will never be enough for you, or anyone else, to understand ‘what is going on.’ There is too much that just can’t be known.” The Voice paused for a few moments to let that little tidbit sink in. “Some things you just have to accept.”
“I don’t have to accept squat!” challenged the Human.
“No, you don’t,” agreed the Voice. “You have free will. Although, it probably wouldn’t hurt you to choose another descriptor other than ‘squat.’” The Voice paused, again. “You don’t understand it, but being chosen for this task was not a random act of chaos. However, you do get to choose your path. You can save your world, or sit on your couch eating Doritos or Dove Bars — also your choice.”
“Why me?” the Human continued to press. “And, where am I?”
“Why you were chosen is, also, impossible to explain. It is what it is. Accept it,” spoke the Voice. “As for where you are; you are at the singular point in the universe from which all energy flows away and returns back.”
“So…,” the Human hesitated before choosing its next question. “Are you God, or something?”
“You are at the eternal and perpetual source of all energy. Energy is the source of all things. Ultimately, all things end and return to energy. This is the Voice through which energy speaks. Accept this to be true. Any more questions?”