DUHS wins at LMC chili cook off
Published 8:45 am Wednesday, December 11, 2019
DOWAGIAC — The Dowagiac Union High School culinary class won first place in Lake Michigan College’s 11th annual chili cook off.
During the competition, the teams had one hour to make a chili and cornbread for six judges. All ingredients had to be bagged and separated prior to cooking.
The Chieftains won a total of five medals competing against 15 other teams from area high schools.
“I am very proud of our teams. They made a great chili and cornbread and interacted with the judges very well,” said culinary arts teacher Andy Kruger. “The teams have to be very well organized, making a checklist of things to bring. If they forget just one thing, like a mixing bowl, then they cannot make their cornbread. I am very proud of them for handling the pressure and not panicking when things went wrong.”