CULTON: Adoption Day celebrates joy in the courtroom

Published 7:26 am Friday, November 29, 2019

Tuesday afternoon, I had the pleasure of sitting in on one of Cass County’s most joyful traditions: Adoption Day.

Hosted at courts state-wide, Adoption Day allows participating courts to finalize adoptions, host parties for adoptive families and educate the public about the adoption process. Michigan Adoption Day is co-sponsored by the Michigan Supreme Court, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange and the Child Welfare Services Division of the State Court Administrative Office. This year was Cass County’s 17th annual Adoption Day event.

During Tuesday’s ceremony, four families were recognized as giving a child a forever family. If you were not one of the lucky people to witness this ceremony, let me tell you that there is nothing quite like it. The courtroom was full of happiness, balloons, stuffed animals and treats as people from all over the county came together to celebrate. Most of all, seeing the smiles on parents’ and children’s faces as the court officially recognizes them as a family is nothing short of magical.

Most of the time when I am in the courtroom as a part of my job, it is seeing people at their worst. I see the heartbreak on people’s faces before they are sentenced to prison. I observe how the cycle of addiction brings people before judges again and again. I hear the details of horrific crimes. I feel the powerful emotions of victims facing their abusers.

In light of all this, Adoption Day is even more of a celebration, because it is the court seeing people at their best. It is seeing parents stepping up to care for a child in need. It is about families coming together and choosing each other. It is about the bonds of love.

Today, as we are all coming back from celebrating a holiday of thanks with our own families, let’s all send some positive thoughts of gratitude to the families who adopted children Tuesday. They added just a little bit more love into Cass County. I wish all the families the best as they continue to build their families, and I can’t wait to attend another Adoption Day celebration next year.