EDITORIAL: Participation vital in superintendent search
Published 9:23 am Monday, April 29, 2019
We were disappointed last week to see a lack of participation as the Dowagiac school board started its search for the school district’s next leader, and no community members attended.
Although school board members are elected to make these decisions on behalf of the community, these elected officials are not mind readers, and will have a difficult time making a decision that represents the views of their constituents without input from voters.
Recognizing that time is precious and that school board meeting attendance is difficult for some to juggle with extra curriculars like soccer practices and play rehearsals, the school board has offered another opportunity for district residents to weigh in.
A survey at dowagiacschools.org is available for community members to share their input about what they are looking for in the next superintendent. There will also be another meeting Monday, May 2, at which community members may share what they seek in this individual with school board members.
As taxpaying members of the community this school district serves, it is your responsibility to be active participants in important issues like these.
Though managed by the school board, the superintendent is tasked with huge decisions that impact our students, and ultimately the future of the school district and community.
Dowagiac is a tight knit district that mostly shares a vision for what the district should look like. In order for that vision to be carried forward, it is imperative that this leader’s priorities reflect the priorities of the majority of taxpayers.
If you care about the future of Dowagiac Union Schools, do your part and participate in this brief survey, or attend the May 2 meeting at the middle school.
Opinions expressed are those of general manager Ambrosia Neldon, managing editor Sarah Culton and sports editor Scott Novak.