Union High recognizes top freshmen

Published 10:01 am Thursday, November 16, 2017

A group of nearly 50 Dowagiac Union High School freshmen were recently recognized for “supersizing” their grades this past marking period.

The high school’s Youth Experiencing Success program hosted its first ceremony of the 2017/18 school year Tuesday in the school library. A group of 49 ninth-grade students who received all A’s and B’s in their classes during the first marking period were honored by several school faculty members, as well as by a representative with the management company that owns the Dowagiac McDonald’s restaurant.

Tait Okayama — director of operations with JNKO Management Inc., which owns 11 McDonald’s restaurants in southwest Michigan and northern Indiana —was on hand to help school staff pass out certificates to the students that recognized their achievement. Attached to each was a coupon for a free extra value meal from the fast food restaurant.

“It’s all about these kids,” Okayama said. “We want to recognize them for their achievement. Hopefully they will carry forward that work ethnic into the future.”

McDonald’s has partnered with the high school since student advocate Doug Pearson created the YES program in 2013. Over the years, the company has given out 240 coupons for free extra value meals — a value of around $1,680, Pearson said.

“That is a significant contribution to the schools, to recognize these kids,” Pearson said.

The YES program is intended to honor Dowagiac Union High School students for their academic performance, as well as their leadership and work ethic inside the classroom. Besides McDonald’s, several businesses have partnered with Pearson for the award ceremonies, including Pizza Hut, Saylor’s Pizza, Little Caesars and C. Wimberley Automotive.

“It means so much more when someone outside the schools recognizes [students] for what they accomplished,” Pearson said.

The group of freshmen was the first batch of students honored for excellent grades since the high school added a seventh class period to the daily schedule this past fall.

The program will host its next award ceremony later this year, when Pearson will recognize freshmen who have been nominated by teachers for their work ethic.

Recognized Tuesday were:

Lauren Ahonen

Dylan Andersen

Madison Ausra

Michael Bacon

Wyatt Bailey

Jaime Balli

Kimi Beattie

Lizbeth Beltran

Jonathan Bontrager

Tahneal Brooks

Alexander Bryant

Ryan Burmeister

Hannah Christner

Alexandria Conner

Anna Dobberstein

Mason Dzakowic

Emalee Foote

Emily Gonzalez

Amelia Grote

Maggie Hadl

Ricky Haskell

Jenna Henry

Jessie Hulett

Mara Huling

Dakota Long

Austin Martin

Jayme Mathew

Gabriel McKinney

Haleigh Michels

Destiny Morgan

Gabrielle Munson

Erica Nash

Cole Parker

Jaleana Payne

James Pendleton

Haileahy Peters

Nathan Phillips

La Reina Reyna

Taylor Roberts

Jacob Rossow

Isabella Ruiz

Martha Schaller

Sierria Scott

Brianah Sicurello

Sierra Smith

Sarah Stovern

Kayla Trilling

Matthew Walker

Jasmine Zeleznikar