Despite what scoreboard says, Rangers are winning

Published 9:22 am Friday, January 27, 2017

The host Cassopolis Rangers went 0-2 in BCS Athletic Conference wrestling Wednesday night without losing a bout.

Due to poor numbers, some of which are the result of injuries and defections to other schools, the Rangers only had four available wrestlers for their matches against visiting Comstock and Parchment.

Those four wrestlers, Jonathan Westphal, Zach Wilkins, Dylan Green and Cross Borsa went 8-0 against the Colts and Panthers.

While the scoreboard my show a pair of losses, Cassopolis coach Kenyon Ellison sees this as a victory for his squad.

“We started with 13 and now we are down to four,” he said. “Unfortunately we lost one to injury yesterday with a broken leg above his ankle. We lost one today — a senior — which was pretty disappointing. But the ones who stayed are here to work. I am looking forward to taking them into our district and to our regional. I am really looking forward to taking them all to state.”

Knowing that his team cannot win a match because of the numbers situation has allowed Ellison and assistant coach Mason Stephenson to shift their focus.

With less than two weeks before the start of the state tournament, the Rangers are singular in their focus — working toward the individual portion of the postseason.

“It makes it easier because the smaller the group, the more one-on-one time I have with them,” Ellison said. “I can actually look at them and work on the individual flaws before we get to the individual tournament. It does not make it easier taking a loss because everyone wants to win. But when my kids come out and perform like that I cannot go home mad.

“This is a win. Technically it is not, but for us it is a win. If you can go out and put every guy you have on the mat at a higher weight class and not lose a match. That is a win for me. I am very happy with the way we looked.”

The Rangers wrap up the regular season next week with a home match scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. Cassopolis will also compete in the Greater Berrien County Invitational Saturday.


Wolverine Conference wrestling

It was a historic night in Otsego as the Edwardsburg wrestling team snapped the longest winning-streak in Wolverine Conference history.

The Eddies completed a 9-0 regular season with a stunning 46-28 win over Allegan, which had not lost a conference match since 1999.

The Tigers had won more than 150 consecutive conference matches until Wednesday night.

The Tigers fall to 5-1 in the conference.

Dowagiac improved to 6-3 by defeating Otsego 40-36 after falling to Allegan 68-12 in the opening round of the quad meet.

The Bulldogs dropped to 3-4 on the year.

For the Chieftains, who will compete in the Greater Berrien County Invitational Saturday, Justin Lyle was the lone grappler to win two matches on the night.

Lyle pinned Allegan’s Logan VanHorn in 43 seconds at 171 pounds and picked up a forfeit against Otsego.

Michael Schlup won by disqualification against Allegan’s Ben Powers at 189 pounds.

Against the Bulldogs, Kody Walker, Patrick Sirk, Jesse Edge, Gage Williams, Gage First and Donovan Schoff all picked up wins.

Walker, Edge, First and Schoff won by forfeit, while Sirk pinned Caleb Letts in 24 seconds and Williams won by major decision (15-5) over Tyler Crabtree.



At Cassopolis

103: Double void; 112: Teague Roellchen (CO) wins by forfeit; 119: Casey Nolan (CO) wins by forfeit; 125: Jonathan Westphal (CA) d. Rodrigo Juarez 8-2; 130: Victor Plascencia (CO) wins by forfeit; 135: Mubark Hasan (CO) wins by forfeit; 140: Zach Wilkins (CA) m.d. Connor Nolan 11-1; 145: Dylan Green (CA) p. Jesse Van Avery 1:04; 152: Dino Sivley (CO) wins by forfeit; 160: Cross Borsa (CA) d. Brandon Bavin 14-12 OT; 171: Cameron Gilley (CO) wins by forfeit; 189: Double void; 215: Double Forfeit; 285: Double void.



103: Double void; 112: Double void; 119: John Westphal (CA) won by forfeit; 125: Double void; 130: Zach Leckie (P) wins by forfeit; 135: Zach Wilkins (CA) p. Amir Ross-Obare 0:30; 140: Dylan Green (CA) p. Camden Thomas 1:26; 145: Double void; 152: Cross Borsa (CA) p. Tyler Hampton 4:35; 160: Kalob Novencido wins by forfeit; 171: Double void; 189: Spencer Spry wins by forfeit; 215: Marco Rodriguez wins by forfeit; 285: Jordan Verburg wins by forfeit.



At Otsego

103: Tyson Emmons (A) p. Tyler Huston 0:51; 112: Davynn Schneider (A) over wins by forfeit; 119: Tyson Mead (A) d. Kody Walker; 125: Jake Orr (A) wins by forfeit; 130: Tyler Mead (A) p. Patrick Sirk 3:21; 135: Tristan Mohrland (A) wins by forfeit; 140: Gabe Butzke (A) p. Kaleb Detwiler 5:01; 145: Ricky Jefferson (A) t.f. Lamberto Paredes 21-5; 152: Jahron Coulson (A) wins by forfeit; 160: Justin Lyle (D) p. Logan VanHorn 0:43; 171: Jason Macherzak (A) wins by forfeit; 189: Michael Schlup (D) wins by disqualification over Ben Powers; 215: Jeff Caldarona (A) wins by forfeit; 285: Chase Beard (A) wins by forfeit.



103: Joshua Sunnerville (O) p. Tyler Huston 1:22; 112: Kody Walker (D) wins by forfeit; 119: Double Forfeit 125: Patrick Sirk (D) p. Caleb Letts 0:24; 130: Jesse Edge (D) wins by forfeit; 135: Gage Williams (D) m.d. Tyler Crabtree 15-5; 140: Devonte Madison (O) p. Kaleb Detwiler 4:26; 145: Gage First (D) wins by forfeit; 152: Jacob Case (O) p. Lamberto Paredes 1:16; 160: Justin Lyle (D) wins by forfeit; 171: Donovan Schoff (D) wins by forfeit; 189: Bryan McEwen (O) p. Michael Schlup 1:31; 215: Brandan Nelson (O) wins by forfeit; 285: Jakob Slater (O) wins by forfeit.

Varsity record: Dowagiac 6-3 Wolverine Conference.