Don’t vote for Trump

Published 8:45 am Thursday, June 23, 2016

Donald Trump is a narcissistic, authoritarian bigot who is attempting to achieve power in exactly the same way that Hitler and Mussolini did — by appealing to fear, frustration and prejudice.

Republican leaders who support him are guilty of enabling his agenda. They acknowledge that his behavior is racist, yet they support him anyway.

Trump’s rhetoric about Muslims is particularly dangerous. By lumping all Muslims into one negative category, and acting as if they are all enemies of our country, he strengthens the terrorists. Terrorist leaders constantly talk about how “the West” hates Islam. Trump plays right into their hands.

American Muslims are a vital part of our communities. Many serve our country as police officers, firefighters, and members of our armed forces. The vast majority of Muslims want peace and prosperity, just like all other Americans. They are also our government’s best source of information about potential Islamist terrorists. The majority of Muslims are entitled to our respect and appreciation, not the denigration that Trump dishes out on a daily basis.

The support that Trump has received from Congressional Republicans is deplorable, but it is consistent with their attitudes and behavior during President Obama’s time in office. The Republicans have been extremely disrespectful toward our first African-American president, and have refused to collaborate with him on either legislation or judicial appointments. Instead, they have become the most “do-nothing” congressional representatives in the history of our country.

In November, we have important choices to make. If we vote for Donald Trump, we will be casting our vote for a dangerous authoritarian bigot. If we vote for Republic candidates who support Trump, we will be voting for people who are enabling his bigotry. These choices are not what America stands for — we can, and must, do better.


Donald Holmes
