Supt. recognizes Niles school board members
Published 9:45 am Tuesday, January 19, 2016
In the midst of another successful school year, we at Niles Community Schools are pleased to recognize and honor our school board members during School Board Recognition Month this January.
School Board Recognition Month is celebrated by more than 540 school districts in Michigan, honoring more than 4,000 elected school board members for untiring dedication to school governance.
This month is a time to acknowledge the selfless board members who work tirelessly to make difficult decisions for the betterment of our students and our community.
Board members are provided a nominal annual fee for the countless hours they commit to critical decision-making and planning, all to ensure our children receive the high quality education they deserve.
On behalf of Niles Community Schools and the entire community, it is my distinct pleasure to thank the men and women who dedicate much of their personal time to develop policies that impact our children and help shape the future of our education system.
In Niles, we are fortunate to have engaged board members who are passionate about the success of our students, our schools and our community. We are privileged to have a unified board devoted to working collaboratively to strengthen the services provided to our students.
Our board of education, and the hundreds like it across Michigan, preserves the core of our democracy — public education.
Our board members are very supportive of all employee groups and truly act in a manner that places students above all else.
For those who may be unfamiliar with our board, the Niles Board of Education features a great mix of seasoned veterans and new members, helping bring experience, energy and different perspectives to our district.
I encourage members of the Niles community to take time this January, and throughout the year, to show their appreciation to our school board members. Personally, I am very appreciative for the support I’ve received from the board, especially throughout the district leadership transition over the past year.
As a result of their guidance, improvements will be made across the entire district that will have a long-lasting and positive effect on our schools and community.
For that, we are grateful.
In closing, as we get set to embark on construction efforts this spring as part of our Niles 2020 bond initiative, it’s important to keep in mind the impact our board had in making such improvements possible.
The men and women serving on Niles and their years of service are: Jeff Curry — 8 years; Dana Daniels — 13 years; Leigh Jones — 1 year; Jon Martin — 5 years; Greg O’Toole — 7 years; Brent Wright — 2 years; Kathy Zeider — 8 years.
Dr. Dan Applegate is Superintendent at Niles Community Schools.