Council approves contract for upcoming paving projects
Published 9:22 am Wednesday, April 15, 2015
With the spring season officially in full swing, Dowagiac residents can expect many things to come back to life over the next few weeks.
Flower beds. Trees. And of course, plenty of road work.
The Dowagiac City Council approved a contract for over $92,000 worth of paving projects throughout city limits during their meeting Monday evening. The city awarded the work to J. Allen and Company, based out of Galesburg, Michigan; the company submitted the lowest of the three bidders for the project, coming in at an estimate of $92,011.
This year’s paving projects will involves the following resurfacing of the following roadways:
• Cedar Street, from LaGrange Street to Spaulding Street
• Helena Street, from Clyborn to E. Prairie Ronde Street
• E. High Street/Cass Avenue, from S. Front Street to Henry Street
• Maple Street, from Chestnut Street to alley
• McPhil Drive, resurface cul-de-sac;
• Paul Street, from W. High Street south 311 feet
• E. Prairie Ronde Street, from Uneta Street to Colby Street.
“We have streets from every single ward [on the list],” said City Manager Kevin Anderson. “It doesn’t touch every street that’s needed, but it’s a nice, continued dent in the problem that’s there.”
The city is stepping up the amount of funds for this year’s projects compared to last. The local government committed less than $60,000 for paving work last spring, due to a increased spending on road work during 2014’s brutal winter conditions.
While the city normally sets aside between $125,000 and $150,000 for these kinds of road projects, they are earmarking a portion of those funds for matching a potential grant that would pay for work on East Railroad Street, Anderson said.
The city manager also recommended that the council begin looking at ways to budget around $10,000 more a year for future paving projects.
“We are finding that some of the cost of asphalt is higher this year than it has been in the last several years,” Anderson added. “Given the level of construction out there, supply and demand is going to work on the pricing here.”
Other action taken by City Council Monday included:
• Approval of an extension of the city’s contract with Yeo & Yeo, for another three years of auditing services.
• Approval of a contract to MTL Mowing Trimming Landscaping for the mowing of city property not maintained by owners, for a minimum rate of $19.5 per acre.
• Approval of a resolution that expresses the city’s intent to participate in a shared building code/essential standards library at the Cass Central Library.
• Purchase of a new dump truck for the Department of Public Services, for $126,262.
• Cancelation of the city council meeting on May 25, during Memorial Day weekend.
• Approval of an agreement with L&M Lumber for timber harvesting near Eagles Woods/Eagle Trace, for $41,250.
• Payment of bills and payroll in the amount of 460,789.13.