Keystone XL pipeline is a safe, smart and efficient way to fuel a growing economy
Published 8:52 am Thursday, February 5, 2015
We must address America’s long- and short-term energy needs as well as promote the creation of Michigan jobs. We are adding more alternative energy sources, yet our economy will continue to rely on oil-based fuels for many years to come.
There is a solution to meet the energy needs of a growing economy while also making the world a safer place — but it is still awaiting federal approval after more than five years.
The Keystone XL pipeline project can help us create thousands of jobs, protect our environment and reduce our dependence on unstable Middle East governments for oil.
I recently sponsored Senate Concurrent Resolution 4, which calls on the president and the U.S. secretary of state to support North American energy development by approving the newly routed Keystone XL pipeline to safely bring Canadian oil to American refineries.
My resolution urges the president to join with leaders from business, labor and both parties, who agree that it will create thousands of jobs as well as safely and efficiently fuel our economy.
The Keystone XL project is expected to create 9,000 construction jobs, and the corresponding $2.3 billion Gulf Coast project will create 4,000 construction jobs. Combined, they support yet another 7,000 manufacturing jobs, many right here in Southwest Michigan.
Additionally, the pipeline is good for national security because it could replace roughly 40 percent of the oil the U.S. currently imports from the Persian Gulf and Venezuela.
Instead of importing oil from unfriendly governments that use our dollars for undemocratic, often dangerous purposes – including funding terrorism – let’s look to a trusted neighbor who shares our values.
This project is also good for the environment. It has been subject to multiple environmental studies and each analysis concluded that it offers the safest way to transport the Canadian oil.
In fact, the Keystone XL pipeline will replace the equivalent of 200 ocean tankers per year, resulting in reduced emissions equal to taking nearly four million cars off the road.
Thankfully, the new Congress has made building the pipeline a top priority. It is a critical part of energy stability and long-term economic growth for our state and the nation. Let’s look to our Canadian friends to help energize our economy and put people back to work.
Sen. John Proos, R-St. Joseph, represents southwest Michigan.