January Starfish story: Vickie Turczi
Published 6:36 pm Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Vickie Turczi is an ordinary person who makes a difference each day for the students and staff at Kincheloe Elementary.
While Turczi’s official position is “aide,” that title doesn’t come near to what she does every day.
Turczi begins her winter days by getting the outside of the building ready for students and staff as they arrive. She takes care of snowy sidewalks as well as salting them to keep everyone safe. If it continues to snow and blow, she does those jobs multiple times per day.
During breakfast and lunch times you will see her assisting students with opening their lunch containers as well as helping them to find their outdoor clothing for recess. She helps to supervise the students on the playground during various recesses in both desirable and undesirable weather.
Other times during the day, Turczi can be found answering phones in the office and assisting students and visitors. She does so with a friendly and positive attitude that is appreciated by everyone.
No matter what the job entails, she does it with a smile and sense of humor.
In the classroom, Mrs. Turczi assists both the teachers and the students. She works with groups of students on specific skills and activities that will help them to become proficient learners. She also works with individual students who need a skill boost. She has a great sense of humor that is enjoyed by the students and the staff.
Turczi helps with the heat, cleans up after sick students, fixes zippers, finds clothing for students who need extra and helps with many odd jobs in the building. She has painted in the office and classrooms to make the building look fresh and welcoming. The staff appreciate all that she does and her positive can-do attitude.
She makes a difference at Kincheloe Elementary every day.